Interview - Philippe Giguet - APRR
Pour Philippe Giguet, l’environnement est à la base de tout projet.
Philippe Giguet - Directeur Infrastructures Patrimoine Péage - APRR
Philippe Giguet
Directeur Infrastructures Patrimoine Péage - APRR
Des milliers de kilomètres d’autoroutes à surveiller. Une mission qui ne fait pas peur à Philippe Giguet, directeur infrastructures patrimoine chez APRR. Dès les premières minutes de notre rencontre, nous avons tout de suite compris à quel point il aime son métier. Assurer une meilleure sécurité aux usagers, performer dans la maintenance ou encore s’adapter aux nouvelles attentes, c’est un chef d’orchestre plein d’idées, qui mène ses projets avec professionnalisme et rigueur.
Philippe Giguet - Directeur Infrastructures Patrimoine Péage - APRR
Title: Shell Cariphalte, On The Road Again – Philippe Giquet – Infrastructure director APRR
Duration: 3:15 minutes
A video interview of the infrastructure director at APRR: Philippe Giquet by Florian Martin, a journalist for the series “Shell Cariphalte, on the road again”.
[Background music plays]
Uplifting music
[Animated sequence]
Initial title showing the flipping pages of a book.
[Florian Martin, journalist, On The Road Again]
Hello everyone! What a pleasure to see you again today for a new encounter.
Florian martin – journalist « on the road again »
[Florian Martin, journalist, On The Road Again]
We’re setting off to discover a fascinating world. The world of motorways with Philippe Giguet. He heads up infrastructure in the APRR group. Follow me!
Video transition
[Florian Martin, journalist, On The Road Again]
Philipe Giquet, Infrastructure Director at APRR
[Philipe Giquet, Infrastructure Director at APRR]
[Florian Martin, journalist, On The Road Again]
It's awesome here! What's this? A control room?
[Philipe Giquet, Infrastructure Director at APRR]
You are in the security room of the Paris-Rhin-Rhône Autoroutes (APRR), where we supervise the 1850 km of the company's motorways.
[Florian Martin, journalist, On The Road Again]
So is this where maintenance and surveillance takes place?
[Philipe Giquet, Infrastructure Director at APRR]
It’s more about interventions and safety, small jobs that are requested of our maintenance centres when there are problems on the road.
[Florian Martin, journalist, On The Road Again]
What kind of problems for example?
[Video footage]
We see different people working on monitors in the room.
[Philipe Giquet, Infrastructure Director at APRR]
If a tiny bit of the surface comes loose for example, they can take action quickly, but here we essentially focus on safety. If there’s an accident, we move immediately. A tailback builds and we send a van to the tail of the traffic jam to prevent further accidents. So it's essentially safety.
[Florian Martin, journalist, On The Road Again]
Maybe we could visit a toll barrier to take a little look at how they work?
[Philipe Giquet, Infrastructure Director at APRR]
Absolutely, let's go and see a toll gate.
[Florian Martin, journalist, On The Road Again]
Here we go.
Video transition
[Video footage]
Both are now walking alongside the toll barriers at the Crimolois.
[Florian Martin, journalist, On The Road Again]
Philippe, here we are at one of the toll barriers near Dijon, is that right?
[Philipe Giquet, Infrastructure Director at APRR]
Yes, there are two barriers near Dijon: this is the Crimolois barrier.
[Florian Martin, journalist, On The Road Again]
How many vehicles go through here each day?
[Philipe Giquet, Infrastructure Director at APRR]
There are around 16,500 / day on average.
[Florian Martin, journalist, On The Road Again]
And a lot of trucks! So do trucks have a big impact on motorways in terms of modifications, changes, adhesion?
[Philipe Giquet, Infrastructure Director at APRR]
They have a major impact on the road surface. Trucks wear the road surface more quickly.
[Florian Martin, journalist, On The Road Again]
Does that mean polymers are also selected to renew the road surface?
[Philipe Giquet, Infrastructure Director at APRR]
They give better performance in terms of adhesion, in terms of the stones used, they also help to solidify the road surface without making it brittle. The polymers help to improve hold in the face of temperature variation.
[Florian Martin, journalist, On The Road Again]
In fact, polymers make the road more versatile.
[Philipe Giquet, Infrastructure Director at APRR]
Video transition
[Video footage]
Both are now standing at the barrier of the toll.
[Florian Martin, journalist, On The Road Again]
You resurface the road every 10-15 years but are there any environmental considerations? Is this something you think about at each resurfacing?
[Philipe Giquet, Infrastructure Director at APRR]
There are always environmental considerations. For several years now, we have been focusing on recycling: recycling of gravel and bitumen which is kept from what we recover from the existing roadway. Systematically, with asphalts, we try to recycle to a maximum.
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[Video footage]
Both are now standing on the roof of the toll overlooking the traffic coming toward the toll barriers.
[Florian Martin, journalist, On The Road Again]
Philippe, this will be my last question. Here we have a good perspective over the tolls and motorways, now lets get some perspective on the future of motorways! How do you see the future?
[Philipe Giquet, Infrastructure Director at APRR]
The future is the connected motorway, motorways that will transfer information to vehicles, vehicles will also transfer information, it is a real exchange between vehicles, infrastructure and various different services. Customers on the motorway, of the future, will therefore benefits from different services during their road journeys.
[Florian Martin, journalist, On The Road Again]
Philippe we always ask for a final comment with your signature.
[Video footage]
A close up on the writing.
[Florian Martin, journalist, On The Road Again]
Thank you very much for talking with us, let me give you the Shell booklet "On the Road Again".
[Philipe Giquet, Infrastructure Director at APRR]
And I'll give you back…
[Florian Martin, journalist, On The Road Again] Guestbook!
[Philipe Giquet, Infrastructure Director at APRR]
Thank you and I hope that it will interest everyone.
[Florian Martin, journalist, On The Road Again]
Oh yes!
Video transition
[Video footage]
Florian is now alone on a toll cabin.
[Florian Martin, journalist, On The Road Again]
Here again we’ve learned a lot about the world of motorways and polymers. As for me, I think I’ll stay on a bit and help them! I’m going to mind the toll barrier a bit! Move forward!
[Background music plays]
Uplifting music
[Animated sequence]
End credit the Shell logo
Pour Philippe Giguet, l’environnement est à la base de tout projet :
« Dans l’entretien de nos autoroutes, il est primordial de penser écologie. Aujourd’hui on ne peut pas se permettre de penser un projet d’entretien sans inclure la notion de recyclage, c’est plus qu’essentiel. L’idée est aussi de tout faire en local pour diminuer les transports de matière. Le recyclage est une chose, mais le respect de l’environnement, c’est un projet global ».
Les propos recueillis auprès des tiers ne sauraient être interprétés comme étant la position de Shell ni engager la responsabilité de Shell à quelque titre que ce soit.